Earth Hour: What is this?

Earth hour is held annually to encourage individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their lights for one hour, from 8.30 to 9.30 p.m. on the last Saturday in March. This is done as a symbol of our commitment to the planet we live in. Hundreds of millions of people from all over the world show their support by switching off the lights for one hour on this particular day.

They engage in this activity irrespective of all the barriers such as race, religion, culture, society, generation and geography. Therefore, it is a global celebration showing the commitment of people towards one thing that unites everyone the planet.

Earth Hour generally aims to show the actions people, businesses and governments world-wide are taking to reduce their environmental impact. This helps to encourage others to join an interconnected global community motivated to find solutions to environmental challenges.

One Hour or More?

However Earth Hour is not merely for saving an hour's electricity; it is a broader concept that helps us to understand that most of our actions have an effect on the world. For example, the energy we use, the food we buy and the water we drink have an impact on our planet. We all depend on our planet and need to look after it not just for an hour a year, but every day. 

So, when we switch on the lights again, if we stop to think about the things we can change our daily life, it will benefit the planet in many ways. Across the in world, biodiversity and natural habitats are disappearing at a greater rate than ever before. If we are not careful, we will be depleting the earth of wild animals water, wood and other natural resources faster than they can be replenished Things will only worsen if we continue in the same direction.