Flowers have been important to man since ancient times.

Flowers have been important to man since ancient times. People love to grow flower plants in their home gardens. Botanical gardens like Peradeniya and Haggala have a wide variety of flowers. Natural forests like Sinharaja are also abundant in beautiful flowers.

Flowers have a fragrance and they beautify the environment. They appeal to everyone. They brighten every occasion of our lives. We use flowers to express our feelings. They are also used in religious activities. Buddhists offer flowers to Lord Buddha.

Hindus garland their gods with flowers. People use them for decorations. Flowers are an integral part both at weddings and funerals. Today flowers have become an important source of income. Many varieties of flowers are being exported to foreign markets. Selling flower plants also brings in a good

Many valuable flowers are now endangered. Recently the “Araliya” trees were attacked by some fungus. Fungi, pests, diseases and climatic changes are the major threats to flower plants. We must take necessary steps to overcome these threats. People should be encouraged to grow flower plants in their home gardens. Flower plants should be looked after well. They should be manured, weeded and
watered regularly. Precautions should be taken to protect them from pests like snails, caterpillars, rats and insects.