The Scientific Method

The term scientific method may have an aura of complexity, but it should not. The scientific method is simply the application of common sense in an organized and objective manner. A scientist observes, makes a general statement to summarize the observations, formulates a hypothesis, conducts experiments to test the hypothesis, and develops a theory and governing scientific laws. Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) developed this method of discovering the patterns of nature, although the term scientific method was applied later. 

 Complexity dominates nature, making several outcomes possible as a system operates. Science serves an important function in understanding such uncertainty. Yet, the more knowledge we have, the more the uncertainty and awareness of other possible scenarios (outcomes and events) increase. This, in turn, demands more precise and aggressive science. 

Follow the scientific method illustration in Figure, beginning at the top. The scientific method begins with our perception of the real world and a determination of what we know, what we want to know, and the many unanswered questions that exist. Scientists who study the physical environment turn to nature for clues that they can observe and measure. 

Step 1: Observe and measure. 

They figure out what data are needed and begin to collect those data. These observations are analyzed to identify coherent patterns that may exist. This search for patterns requires inductive reasoning, or the process of drawing generalizations from specific facts. This step is important in modern geographic science, in which the goal is to understand a whole functioning Earth rather than isolated, small compartments of information. Such understanding allows the scientist to construct models of general operations of Earth systems.

Step 2: Form and test a hypothesis. 

If patterns are discovered, the researcher may formulate a hypothesis a tentative explanation for the phenomena observed. Further observations are related to the general principles established by the hypothesis. More data gathering may support or disprove the hypothesis, or predictions made according to it may prove accurate or inaccurate. These findings provide negative feedback to adjust data collection and model building and to refine the hypothesis statement. Verification of the hypothesis after exhaustive testing may lead to its elevation to the status of a theory.

Step 3: Formulate a theory. 

The word theory can be confusing as used by the media and general public. A theory is constructed on the basis of several extensively tested hypotheses. Theories represent truly broad general principles unifying concepts that tie together the laws that govern nature. Examples include the theory of relativity, theory of evolution, atomic theory, Big Bang theory, stratospheric ozone depletion theory, and plate tectonics theory. A theory is a powerful device with which to understand both the order and the chaos (disorder) in nature. Using a theory allows predictions to be made about things not yet known, the effects of which can be tested and verified or disproved through tangible evidence. The value of a theory is the continued observation, testing, understanding, and pursuit of knowledge that the theory stimulates. A general theory reinforces our perception of the real world, acting as positive feedback.
Pure science does not make value judgments. Instead, pure science provides people and their institutions with objective information on which to base their own value judgments. Social and
political judgments about the applications of science are increasingly critical as Earth’s natural systems respond to the impact of modern civilization. Jane Lubchenco, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Administrator, in her 1997 American Association for the Advancement of Science Presidential Address stated:

Science alone does not hold the power to achieve the goal of greater
sustainability, but scientific knowledge and wisdom are needed to
help inform decisions that will enable society to move toward that end.

The growing awareness that human activity is producing global change places increasing pressure on scientists to participate in decision making. Numerous editorials in scientific journals have called for such applied science involvement.